Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today is my lucky day, and I’m rich because I hit the jackpot unbelievable $200 millions. First of all, I would like to split my prize with my family; however, to help my friends, and open a foundation for poor people in my country. The second action, I’m going to buy around 50 thoroughbreds, and I’m going to compete in the best Classics, Breeds Cups and Stakes. I would like to buy a big farm, and in this business I’m going to invest or grow my money! The third and very important is, I’m going to own an island scenic for invite my friends in special April my best friend! Also, I’m going to safe part of my money in banks, so to invest in another business. In conclusion, I’m so exciting with this, and I have my economy safe for my life.


  1. Wow! congratulation!! Give me a money or Tim holten ice cap! : )

  2. hahahahaa... I want money too..!!!

  3. Can I visit your island too? Preferably in January when it's -30 in Calgary!

  4. It's good my friend, don't forgat me
    give me some mouny
