Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Country.

I would like to explain why Venezuela is the best country in the world. First of all Venezuela has a lot natural resources the economy based on them, but the most important is the Petroleum, the weather is the best is because it always is warn, the beaches are spectacular and incomparable, we have in Venezuela "Angel Falls" is the world's highest waterfall, and Pico BolĂ­var is the highest mountain there, it's permanently covered with snow and three small glaciers in summary Venezuela has everything! The another reason Venezuela's people is kind, funny, friendly, and attentive. The other reason Venezuela has excellent education and the people are professional. Also Venezuela's food is delicious and healthy. In addition Venezuela is the ideal country with the everything advisable


  1. Gonzalo!You are nice guy! I hope so visit your country someday! : )

  2. venezuela is good country i visited you country was years ago but the more interesting place is Margarita because is beautiful .... :)

  3. Yes, I believe that you country is good but my country is the best. jajajajja.
    You are good person and intelligent.

  4. It sounds like a great place to visit! I prefer tropical areas though...I'll stay on Margarita Island.

  5. nice my friend, i hope to visit you over there

    and i hope to igve me a hourse of your hourses
