Wednesday, July 1, 2009

La Sayona!
Once up a time there was a beautiful woman called Melisa. She had been envious since she was child. She grew and got marry with an honest man. Also, there was a womanizer who was crazy about her; however, he was a liar. One day while she was swimming naked on a lake, he was looking her. After she saw him, she asked “why are you spy on?” and he answered “I went because your husband is betraying yourself, so he has a relationship with your mother. After that, she believed everything and wanted to meet with her mother, but before she told with her mother, she set fire to her house where stayed her husband and her 9 mouth’s daughter they died there. Later, she went where her mother lived. As soon as she told about what she did, she attacked her and killed. Before she died, she told her “you did the worst sin”. Finally, she had been appearing as a spirit for all womanizers since she died and she asked about to light a cigarette and they might die for that.

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