Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mischievous Girl!

According with that situation, there is a girl who has a boyfriend, but she doesn’t care about him (she might have open relationship). She invited to his friend’s boyfriend to go out, and he likes her. He asked about her relation with her boyfriend, and she told him about her relation is not important. He is worried about that.

What should he do?

In my opinion, he should enjoy with her and doesn’t care about her boyfriend. If he really likes her to do it, but if she wants to have a short relation; he’d better play her games one night or one romance and he’s going to feel good. He has to understand, what are her conditions? He has to understand and to talk about that.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Office Portable!
I would like to buy a laptop which is functional to do everything; for example: to do my assignment, to listen music, to chat with my family and my friends, etc. For starters, that gadget has good characteristics as it’s small and light to have. Second, you don’t need to plug in because it has battery; however you have to care that because it’s delicate if you broke that you should buy one new, as to repair. You can buy that in different store, but I recommend buying that in electronic store places where sell different of gadgets. In conclusion, it’s good gadget because you have your office portable.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My Security Guard!

I choose an exotic pet, and he is a Caiman. First of all, I select him because he has all qualities to take care my house. I don’t think so the burglar likes to fight with him! However, they’re faithful with owns. The reason is, the people had better feed good is because if they don’t do that it’s possible eat themselves. Second, I’m original who has a Caiman? Third, he can eat whatever he likes, for example: When the dogs and cats come in house he eats free! On the other hand, the media always is interesting with that it’s so boring. In conclusion, everyone invites my house!